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Is it Too Late to Get My Home On the Market?

Thanks for joining me today! Can you believe Halloween is just a week away? With winter around the corner, I have a lot of sellers ask if they should wait until next year to list their home.

The answer is no! Now, is a fantastic time to sell your home and I’ll give you three reasons why.
  1. Inventory is lower than it has been in five years - The amount of pending homes is highest it’s been in more than nine years. That means there is a strong demand and fewer homes on the market. That’s less competition for you!
  2. Interest rates are low - We did see a slight increase, but 4 percent is still incredibly low. Even the slightest increase affects your buying power. If you are looking at a $400,000 property and interest rates increase to 6 percent, you now only have the buying power to purchase a $320,000 home. That’s a significant difference. Don’t wait!
  3. The market will remain strong through the fall - With the pent up demand and such low inventory, the market will continue to go strong through the fall and winter months.
Give me a call at 651.481.6711 so we can get your home on the market now. Or maybe you are thinking about buying, we can help find the perfect home for you! Thanks for watching!

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