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What are the main things a seller can do to increase their curb appeal?

What are the main things a seller can do to increase their curb appeal?

First, you might be wondering what curb appeal even is. Curb appeal is the attractiveness of your home from the exterior. Having a home that is appealing on the outside helps make a great first impression on potential buyers.

Why is a good first impression so important? Studies show that 90 percent of buyers start their search online. If you don’t have quality pictures, they may not even visit!

If they do like your home, often they will drive by and through the neighborhood. That’s why it’s important to have your lawn trimmed, landscape kept up and toys and bikes put away.

Keep your garage door closed and consider putting lighting around to accent the home. You would be amazed at how a few inexpensive updates can add such tremendous value to your home.

If you have questions specific to your home, please give me a call! I’d love to help get your home in the best selling shape!

What Do People Need to Do Before They Go On Vacation?

Welcome back to my video real estate blog!

What do people need to do before they go on vacation?

That’s a great question! The first thing you should do is put your newspaper on hold. Last week, I drove by a home that had 8-9 newspapers sitting out front; this is a red flag for intruders.

One of the other things people often forget about is turning off your water.  It’s very simple. Just turn off that valve. You wouldn’t believe the amount of water damage that can happen when there is a leak from an ice-maker hook up just for two or three days.

You also want to make it appear that someone is home. Set your lights on a timer.  Lower the shades so that people can’t see into the house.  Put your mail on hold. Also turn down the volume on your ringer so that it’s not ringing all day with no one answering.

A few years ago, we lived in a neighborhood where several homes were broken into on Easter Sunday. The sheriff said the intruders stayed away from the homes that had a sign for a security system. So if you do have a security system, make sure that sign is prominent in our front yard.

Let someone you trust know you’re gone and ask them to keep an eye on your property. Make sure someone is cutting your grass. A big red sign that you aren’t home is having a wild, overgrown yard.

These are just a few simple things you can to do make your home more secure while you are away.  If you have any questions please call me at 651.481.6711!

Thanks for watching!