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Staging Your Twin Cities Home


What are some things you need to do in order to stage your home correctly to make sure that it is ready to sell?

A lot of people get confused when we use the word staging. Sellers think we mean redecorating. A stager doesn’t redecorate your home; rather they arrange the room in a way that accentuates the best features of your home.

How the home is displayed for a showing is different from day-to-day living. We will arrange furniture to focus on the architecture of your home. Sometimes we will bring in accent pieces to add color and draw the buyer’s eyes around the entire room.

The buyers out there now are very into the Pottery Barn feel. So, when we stage your home we keep that in mind. It may sound like a simple step, but it makes a tremendous impact on how your home sells.

If you have any questions on how to get your home ready to sell, please give me a call at 651.481.6711. I’d be more than happy to help you!